Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Half Was She Hidden, Half Revealed

Half Was She Hidden,  Half Revealed

by Fattu. From the Bihari Sat Sai series.
 Kangra School.  Late 18th century AD.

        Krishna stands at his doorway looking at a Gopi who had come to his house asking for curd. Like a poet, He is infatuated by her half hidden, half revealed body. Bihari says:
        The unmatched brilliance of her earrings ahines through her thin garment;It seems as if a leafy branch of the Tree of Paradise is glittering on the ocean.Ahe looked at me smilingly,  after turning back from the door-step;
        She came to take curd, but ahe planted her love in my heart.The Sakhi (friend) informs Radha as to how Krishna has again fallen in love with another Gopi ( a milk-maiden). Fattu has stunningly painted the beauty of a woman half hidden and half revealed through a cotton sari. Having borrowed curd, shyly she walks away. Leaving Krishna in raptures.
        No matter on what pretext we approach God, He is thrilled by our love for Him. The curd is the 'prasad', the blessings we carry from him as we walk in our life. He is all merciful, He is ever so kind and loving. We are all half clad, half revealed as we are pious yet sinful. But nonetheless He loves us dearly.

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