Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Quest for the Lover in Moonlight

Quest for the Lover in Moonlight

by Fattu. From the Bihari Sat Sai series.
Kangra School. Late 18th century AD.

          The lady who goes out to meet her lover is called "the Suklabhisarika." Dressed in white chunnari, she hides herself in the full moon's light. Bihari says:
         The young maiden was ao much like the moonlight that walking under the shinning moon she became invisible. Her companion was able to follow her guided by the fragrance of her limbs.
       Fattu, with a limited palate,  has captured the Nayika walking slowly under the moonlight.  She is seen only because of the shadow cast by her. The Sakhi (friend) turns to see if there are any lurking dangers. The tranquility of the night, the unknown dangers and fears are caught beautifully.
      White is the color of purity.  The pure soul quietly moves towards God in its spiritual journey.  It is accompanied by the guru, who looks after the pitfalls and dangers around us. He guides us in our eternal quest for enlightenment,  for Moksha (liberation).

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