Thursday, 8 May 2014

Damayanti Tormented by Clouds

Damayanti Tormented by Clouds

by Ranjha. From Nala Damayanti series.  
 Kangra School. Late 18th century AD
          Damayanti's pain of separation continues.  It gets aggravated as the monsoon clouds come rumbling in. Since the monsoon lasts for four months, it is the time for long unending separation.  The pining continues.  Clouds are also symbolic of uncontrolled love.  For like the dark clouds, love knows no barriers; it just bulldozes its way, pushing logic and reasoning away.
         Damayanti is desolate. Her maids are helpless.  Damayanti accusingly points towards the dark clouds which are overwhelming her with their sheer presence. Love is in the air. But alas, Damayanti's lover is nowhere in sight.
         Ranjha again captures the mood of tension, anxiety and helplessness.  The lotuses, the maid rubbing the sole, the old maid servant with a concerned look, the covered pitcher of cold water are all there. But to no comfort to Damayanti. 
       When one is tormented, others are of little help. We must fight our own battles.

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