Monday, 12 May 2014

The Gods and Nala Proceed for Damayanti's Swayambar

The Gods and Nala Proceed for Damayanti's Swayambar

 by Ranjha. From the Nala Damayanti Series
 Kangra School. Late 18th century AD

             Narad has ignited the desire in the heart of every God for marrying Damayanti. Raja Bhima has announced her Swayambar. Both the mortals, including Nala, and the immortals rush towards Raja Bhima's capital, Kundinapura. Indra, Yama, and Agni ride in their respective vehicles up in the sky;  Nala rides in his splendor on earth. Other princes also move towards the same destination.  The object of their desire is not too far off, as the city of Kundinapura sits on top of a hill on the right corner of the painting.
            The narrative technique is complex as the travels of different groups is shown simultaneously.  The next phase of the story is hinted by the city on the right.
           Whether it is the Gods or us we move with the same desire: To win the riches. Damayanti is no longer a mortal woman; she symbolises wealth, and bounty of nature. She is transformed into a goddess whom everyone seeks.

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